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SC Dancers and SC Exhibition Dancers Records

 Record Group — Box: 01
Identifier: RG-179

Collection Scope and Content

Materials in this collection include newspaper clippings, programs, performance scripts (including notecards), correspondence, memorandums, flyers, programs, schedules, rosters from performances, photographic prints, slides, and films having to do with the SC Exhibition Dancers. Materials date from the early 1970s through 2000, with the bulk of the materials coming from the seventies. There are lists of dances performed, lists of dancers with dance assignments (mostly from the seventies), some correspondence that praises the performances, a set of directions for various dances used (including some that were taught at workshops by the director Lou Ampolo), and some handwritten scripts from shows that describes the dances that were performed. There are also programs from various shows (again, mostly from the seventies) including a performance at a MAHPER (the Massachusetts Association Health, Physical Education and Recreation) convention in 1977. There are also many photographs in the collection. Most are of performances, including a series of various dances from the mid-seventies, but there are also some photographs of Lou Ampolo and some group photographs of the dancers.


  • Creation: ca. 1970-2000


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Conditions Governing Use

Rights status not fully evaluated.

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Historical Note

The Springfield College Dancers and Exhibition Dancers are co-education dance groups. The two names seemed to have been used interchangeably at various times, so their exact relationship and history is hard to determine. Both started in the early 1970’s. The SC Exhibition Dancers is first listed in the Homeshow/exhibition programs in 1974-1975. Louis J. Ampolo is listed as its director, a position he held until the mid-1980s. SC Dancers and SC Exhibition Dancers are both listed as distinct groups to join for the first time in the student handbooks in 1977-1978. After 1981 only SC Dancers is listed in the handbooks, but SC Exhibition Dancers is still used in the Homeshow/exhibition programs until the late 1980s. It may be that the term “exhibition” is only used with SC Dancers when they perform in the Homeshow after this time.

In the 1977-1978 handbook, the SC Exhibition Dancers is listed as a group that performs dance routines, such as the “twist, “Charleston”, and “hoe down”. Its primary function was to perform along with the SC Exhibition Gymnastics Team, though it appears from the records that they did perform and tour on their own. The highlight of the season was the annual Exhibition Homeshow. SC Dancers is listed as “a group, is an organization of male and female students from throughout the College community interested in performing, improving and perpetuating dance on Campus.” This basic definition and function appears to continue to this day.

Information mostly retrieved from: Springfield College Student Handbooks, 1977-1978, Springfield College Homeshow/exhibition team programs, and Louis J. Ampolo Faculty Files


.5 Linear Feet (1 box)

Language of Materials


Metadata Rights Declarations


This collection contains the records of the SC Dancers and the SC Exhibition Dancers, co-education dance groups/clubs at Springfield College. The SC Exhibition Dancers was a group that performed dance routines and performed along with the SC Exhibition Gymnastics Team. The highlight of their season was the annual Exhibition Homeshow. The SC Dancers, in addition to helping with the Homeshow, also supports students from throughout the College community interested in performing, improving and perpetuating dance on Campus. Materials in this collection include newspaper clippings, programs, performance scripts (including notecards), correspondence, memorandums, flyers, programs, schedules, rosters from performances, photographic prints, slides, and films having to do with the SC Exhibition Dancers. Materials date from the early 1970s through 2000, with the majority coming from the mid-1970s and the SC Exhibition Dancers performances.


Since materials came from different sources at different times, there is no original arrangement inherent in the collection.

History of the Collection

There was no formal acquisition of the materials for this collection. The collection is artificially created. Materials were received from different places at different times.

Digitized Materials

Browse digitized materials from this collection. This collection is partially digitized.

Related Materials: Records Within Springfield College Collections

  1. RG162 – Springfield College Gymnastics Team Records
  2. MS514 - Frank Wolcott Papers
  3. The Springfield Student
  4. Springfield College Alumni Magazines
  5. Springfield College School of Arts and Sciences and Professional Studies Records - VAPA: Dance
  6. Springfield College Athletic Department Records
  7. Springfield College Marketing and Communication Records--Scrapbooks and News Clippings
  8. Springfield College faculty and staff newspapers and magazines (including communication, News Sheet, and Massasoit Monthly)
  9. Springfield College Faculty and Staff Files
  10. Springfield College Student Files

Processing Information

Because the SC Exhibition Dancers performed with the Springfield College Gymnastics Exhibition Team, especially at the College’s annual Homeshow, there are photographs, news articles, and many other materials within the Springfield College Gymnastics Team records collections (rg162). In particular, check Series 4: Exhibition/Homeshow records and Series 2: Brochures/Programs.

SC Dancers and SC Exhibition Dancers Records
Jeffrey Monseau
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Revision Statements

  • 2022-06: Transferring information from the original Word document to ArchivesSpace.

Repository Details

Part of the Springfield College Archives and Special Collections Repository

Springfield College
Judd Gymnasia
263 Alden Street
Springfield Massachusetts 01109 U.S.A. US